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What do you do for Meditation?

Buddha paintOne of my goals at the beginning of the year was to start meditating as a necessary complement of my other goals related to eating better and exercise more.
However, I have not really done any meditation this year, because:

a) I have not allocated time for it
b) I have not developed a realistic plan to start my meditation

So this post is sort of a request to you the reader, for some advice that allows me to put together a good meditation plan.

Some of the aspects I have considered, and want to validate with this post are:

1. Time: Early in the morning, is what I have seen is most recommended.
2. Length: Not sure what a good meditation period should be, probably 15 minutes, since I am beginner.
3. Location: I intent to practice at home, in a quiet corner. But some people do their meditation outside
4. Techniques: 
a. I don’t have a defined technique yet, probably just let my mind wander for a little while and the focus on an image or word.
b. Focus on Breathing calmly
c. Focus on Relaxing the body
d. Any other aspect to consider?

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