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Do you embrace or reject change?

Step OnlineToday formally marks the transition from winter to spring, and while we welcome the warmer temperatures and look forward to an explosion of colors everywhere, we also think about change and hope the new season brings better and nicer things into our lives.

But not all of us perceive change in the same way, while some embrace change and act quickly, others refuse it and delay as much as possible any modification to their current condition. Just yesterday I was reading how a fellow Bubbler was talking about making some major changes in her life, and how quickly this process is becoming a reality.

I am not that way, I take my time and change but at a slow and steady pace. Sudden change is not appealing to me, and only occurs in extraordinary circumstances. But, in spite of this, I accept and embrace change.

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Image Courtesy of  Stuart Miles/ freedigitalphotos.net Step Online Image ID: 100250006